


motor design programming & 分析自動化 (透過 ansys maxwell) - motor design programming concept in python

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Why use program to design motor

  • Save labor cost - program具有自動化的好處,重複的步驟只要編寫一次,之後只需要執行程式就好
  • Code represent design concept and step - 當設計變成code,並且利用的是好理解且通用的 code structure ,人員轉換造成的工作問題就會下降,因為所有人只要能看懂code,就能看懂設計步驟,進而理解設計。

How to represent motor design concept and step

專注在兩個非常重要卻又簡單的東西 data & function

Input & Output Data

先思考 input 與 ouput的data是什麼

  • input data - 規格
  • output data - 定子外徑、馬達長度、匝數、BEMP(@1000rpm)、操作點數據(torque data, average torque, speed, torque ripple, current, current density, line voltage, coreloss, copperloss)

Design function and data

  1. 手算一次將 規格 轉換成 馬達模型數據電氣數據
  2. 將中間所有的 步驟,以及當中用到的 數據名稱 記錄下來。
  3. 數據名稱 根據 步驟 的概念分類 (定轉子、磁石、電氣...等)。使用 dict 這個 data structure將其收起來,還不知道的值就先給 None,用專案中馬達設計的部分呈現如下。
motor_cal_params = {
    "stator": {
        "OD_limit": None,
        "slot": 12,
        "shoes_height_front": 1,
        "shoes_height_back": 1,
        "slot_open": 4.5,
        "slot_corner_arc": 0.5,
    "rotor": {
        "pole": 10,
        "mag_emb": 0.8,  # easier magetization
    "coil": {
        "conductor_OD": 1,
        "y_para": 1,
        "membrane_ratio": 1.075,
        "slot_fill_factor": 0.43,
    "estimate": {
        "kt_ke_ratio": 0.9,
        "max_J": 18,
        "voltage_buffer": 0.9,
        "torque_density":   25,
        "teeth_mag_ang_ratio": 0.6,
        "york_teeth_ratio": 0.7,
        "rotor_OD_ratio": 0.6,
        "bg": 1.2,
        "mag_pc": 7.5,  # for not easy to broke
    "calculation": {
        "est_rotor_OD": None,
        "est_stator_OD": None,
        "mag_thick": None,
        "teeth_width": None,
        "york_width": None,
        "slot_height": None,
        "slot_width_front": None,
        "slot_width_back": None,
        "para_conductor": None,
        "coil_turns": None,
        "real_slot_fill_factor": None,
    "material": {
        "stator": "\"35CS250_steel\"",
        "rotor": "\"35CS250_steel\"",
        "magnet": "\"N44SH_20deg_mag\"",
        "coil": "\"copper\"",
    "setting": {
        "cycle": 1,
        "split_step": 50
    "voltage_dc": None,
    "length": None,
    "airgap": 0.5,
    "w_factor_10p12s": 0.933,
    "ke":               None,
    "kt":               None,
    "corner_speed_rpm": None,
    "max_speed_rpm":    None,
    "max_current_rms":  None,
    "core_loss_factor": 1,
  1. 將步驟拆成小的function,專案中馬達設計的部分如下
def ktke_calculation(total_cal_params):
    # 計算 total_cal_params 的某個值
    # 將 計算值 替算掉原本在total_cal_params中的未定值
    return total_cal_params
def assign_spec_value(total_cal_params):
    # 計算 total_cal_params 的某個值
    # 將 計算值 替算掉原本在total_cal_params中的未定值
    return total_cal_params
def expend_NBLR(total_cal_params):
    # 計算 total_cal_params 的某個值
    # 將 計算值 替算掉原本在total_cal_params中的未定值
    return total_cal_params
def expend_stator_teeth_york(total_cal_params):
    # 計算 total_cal_params 的某個值
    # 將 計算值 替算掉原本在total_cal_params中的未定值
    return total_cal_params
def expend_stator_slot(total_cal_params):
    # 計算 total_cal_params 的某個值
    # 將 計算值 替算掉原本在total_cal_params中的未定值
    return total_cal_params
def expend_magnet(total_cal_params):
    # 計算 total_cal_params 的某個值
    # 將 計算值 替算掉原本在total_cal_params中的未定值
    return total_cal_params
  1. 將 3. 的data貫穿 4. 的所有function (3.的 motor_cal_params 放在 ctx[params]中)
total_cal_params = ctx["params"]

ktke_calculation(total_cal_params) and \
    assign_spec_value(total_cal_params) and \
    expend_NBLR(total_cal_params) and \
    expend_stator_teeth_york(total_cal_params) and \
    expend_stator_slot(total_cal_params) and \


  1. Ansys maxwell 的溝通部分也是用同樣的方式,可參考 這裡


使用上述的方法,是不是很單純,且很直觀就能看懂設計的過程,debug也非常容易,執行程式時將total_cal_params 印出來看就好。

當整個程式設計完成後,接下來就是去優化每一個 function & data 讓它們更容易被看懂,更能直觀的對應馬達設計。




